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Pink ball? Start earlier? Shane Warne explains how to fix bad light & increase play

Pink ball? Start earlier? Shane Warne explains how to fix bad light & increase play

Well what can we do looking forward one of the big forward thinkers in cricket is shane warren shane is in the commentary box could we just play. all test match cricket with a pink ball shane around the world and therefore if there are floodlights the players are in a better position to see it yeah thanks for it,

 It's been a fantastic discussion i agree with just about all the points so far that everyone's made i i believe that there's a lot of these uh with the light i think today is going to be a little bit different with the showers i think.

It's going to be pretty hard to see some play today that's due to rain and wet conditions not being great for either either side to go back the last few days of the light i i'd like to challenge the light meters i think you should have the light meter at a certain reading and stick to it.

I know there's flexibility in the law but i think you want to be fair for both sides so i think what we could do is instead of having it like where it's not great i think we could go a little bit lower than that and i think we should actually challenge when we go off is it really dangerous right now or could we actually play.

I think we should be trying to lean to play the other point is we've got to remember that players when we played these guys are playing for their careers too so yes it might not be ideal and yes it's a different time and all those things but you've got to remember there's a lot at stake for the players too for their careers so yes it might not be ideal so my first point would be let's look at the light meter and let's lower what we think is are too dangerous let's lower that and then to keep it,
The same for the both sides read the pink ball i reckon the pink ball should be used in test match qriket because it's not just here in england where we can see people go off a bad light so if we lower the light level and we use a pink ball when those lights come on and you've got a pink ball it's a lot easier to see now.

If that means pink ball during a day in bright sunshine you can still see the ball easier so i reckon what all the ball manufacturers should come up with and get the best pink ball possible the icc then say right this is the one that holds up under all conditions the best and we're going to use this pink ball for test cricket that means i believe if we lower that light meter reading to a bit lower where it's really really is starting to get a bit dark.

We use a pink ball for test matches where the crowd and everyone can see it easier i think we'll stay out there longer because don't forget these players are under a lot of pressure and it's their careers as well so, it's easy for all of us to sit up here and say oh why aren't they playing but remember when we were playing out there too but it is a career here playing sport international sport it's a dangerous sport if but just to re integrate and to summarize lower that light level lower that when we actually go off when it's a bit dark too it's really dark.

it's now time to go off pink ball and remember sometimes these players are under a lot of pressure to play absolutely agree with you on the players as former players as we all are but i'd just like to come back to you on one side of that please shane.

if the broadcasters lose interest and the spectators lose interest because people keep walking off and there's no creed to be played i know we're in the lap of the weather gods then they won't have a career because there won't be any money coming into the game yeah that's why i'm saying stay up there longer i think when we all played and now is what we're all talking about.

 I think the light reading yes there's flexibility but i think we're going off when it's not quite dangerous enough right and you can pick and choose our bold spin or and you will stay out there and if it doesn't work well quick no no let's just lower.

it a little bit instead of whatever the number is when we went off in this test match i don't think it was that dark when we went off i thought we could have stayed out there longer so let's lower that light reading to when it is really starting to get dangerous and challenge everyone to stay out there a bit longer to get that more play and but i think you should stick,

whatever that reading is for the rest of the test match i believe that because then it's fair and no one can argue and say well hang on we stayed out there and they did that side was disadvantaged i think we should keep that reading whatever.

it is and lower than that reading and stay out there and then that's the same for the whole test match then there's no complaints from either side

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