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Donald Trump Will Come on Street After Delaying The Election Results

Donald Trump Will Come on Street After Delaying The Election Results

The election is going to be the most horrific and the strangest in the history of the United States, as both have announced that the next day's election will be the result of stage obsession with Slovenia and the status quo, in addition to the three-day election The result will be that if this is the case, then this will be the worst rigged election in the history of the United States. Such a rigged election,

 The whole world will turn red and remember that there will be protests, that is the situation.On the day of such rigging, all these previous elections will take place and remember that if this happens then you will bring the whole nation to the streets and then there will be protests.

 That will be the situation. I will go to the league election people, so 11 discs Ultimately, there are blind plans that I will not tolerate in order to defeat them. At the moment, the situation has arisen that if they walk away, they have threatened, but the far-right institutions of the Deputy Party.

 Has started buying arms in large numbers and asking for buds at that time was especially their case within several months but few have known for a long time that the Establishment and they want to hold elections.

 Two days before the person who stood up and said that whatever you do inside the United States, in fact, the numbers that will be told in it, they would give all the nets, anyone would die, they would put me, he would be asked who And in that case,

 The biggest announcement he made today would be to re-elect, which is actually to help and promote the whole of America inside the fire of Bill Gates. At the forefront is the same person who used to be with the broken before and when he comes and their secret then be quiet.

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